What the FRA Long-Distance Study Could Mean…

Well worth reading and lessons for all...not just Minnesota from Streets.mn

An unprecedented amount of money, effort and political will is currently being marshaled by federal, state and even local governments for improving our nation’s intercity rail system. Much of that attention has rightfully gone toward high-speed rail, as well as frequent, higher speed service between city pairs. However, in the text of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), there was also a congressional mandate for the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to study long-distance routes, whether resuming discontinued long-distance routes or creating new ones from scratch.

If these long-distance study routes can survive the continuing process of development, we can get our foot in the door as sustainable transportation advocates. This is important for reasons beyond sustainable intercity and interstate travel. Train stations are a part of walkable, sustainable cities and towns of all sizes across the world. Normal, Illinois is a poster child of the ways that passenger rail can help transform small towns and mid-sized cities that people would otherwise write off as “flyover” country.


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