A Southern Route for Amtrak Gaining Speed in Montana? - Montana Talks with Aaron Flint

Is a proposal to restore Southern route Amtrak passenger rail service picking up speed in Montana? Jason Stuart is the vice chair of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority. I caught up with him prior to the start of the Greater Northwest Passenger Rail Summit happening now in Billings. He says the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority is really picking up steam since they were first formed in November of 2020.

Right now, Montana has Amtrak service along the Hi-Line of Northern Montana. Stuart says that the "Empire Builder" Amtrak line has demonstrated a big economic return, so adding a southern route that would cover from Glendive to Missoula would offer the same return. Listen here


Greater Northwest Passenger Rail Summit looking to reinstate passenger train service to Montana


Passenger rail advocates gather in Billings to push for new Montana route