Diane Magone appointed the new Mineral County Director of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority

Diane Magone was appointed the new Mineral County Director of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority, relieving Roman Zylawy of this responsibility as he has an overflowing plate with his regular commissioner responsibilities and as the new state president of MACo (Montana Association of Counties).

Zylawy was appreciative that Magone would take his place while the BSPRA builds momentum and his upcoming travel commitments might leave little representation for the county.

“The main reason that I wanted to be on the BSPRA board is because I believe in public transportation as well as the advantages train travel provides for people whether they be tourists, students, professionals, or just casual riders who want to see our great state. Also, we have an aging population in Montana who would benefit from an alternative method of travel, including many people who no longer drive,” explained Magone. read more


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