Resurrecting the Dayliner? A new push for Calgary-Edmonton rail line

Currently, the rail proponents are not making specific asks for funding from the different municipal governments. They plan to use private funding while accessing federal and provincial grants that may be available at the time of construction. They would also ship freight and parcels to mitigate risk and help cover costs, especially in the early going.

The goal is to organize the different civic governments as a committee that will be able to lobby and organize as one entity, as opposed to operating in silos.

They are following a similar path to what is being done in Montana with the Big Sky Rail Passenger Authority as they look to connect residents in the southern half of the state.

“It’s not just an infrastructure item that depends on one component or even two,” he said. “It’s how it integrates into the broader economic development perspective of cities, how it integrates into tourism … how it integrates into the work-life balance and the ability to offer small cities as an alternative to those working in large centres.” Read More


Hiawatha rail line to be part of federal study


Advocates urge Lewis & Clark County to back passenger rail campaign