Group gathers input on proposed passenger rail route

“Paradise was a roaring hit!” beamed Diane Magone, Mineral County BSPRA Representative and board member. “There were about 35 guests at the meeting with more on zoom, and all were extremely engaged. As people introduced themselves, in addition to stating why they would like to see a southern route back, each of them had a positive train memory to share. They were all engaged in the facilitated exercise and produced pages of information to be used for the final report,” she said.

The input for the three-hour session focused on how rural residents would use passenger rail service and what amenities they would want in the train stations and trains themselves. Small groups began brainstorming on specific questions and one unanimous answer was passenger rail service would be a huge plus to attend medical appointments. Critical Access Hospitals in small towns usually do not have the specialty services needed so larger markets with more medical facilities would become more available. Read more.


Full steam ahead: Eastern Montana citizens provide pros, cons to passenger rail restoration


Passenger rail supporters gather input about proposed southern MT route