Montana rail proponents say passenger rail good for mental health

Rural and tribal communities are weighing in on the possibility of restoring passenger rail in Montana, as the Big Sky Rail Authority made six stops around the state. Montana Rep. Sharon Stewart-Peregoy from Crow Agency, was on hand at the meeting, and she said an additional mode of transportation could be huge for her community. "Transportation is challenging here," she said. "Whether it is an untrustworthy car or being unemployed, it's always a problem.” She said that many people living in Crow Agency rely on others to take them where they need to go.

Stewart-Peregoy said that the addition of passenger rail through Crow Agency would provide a significant economic boost. "It brings economic opportunity," Stewart-Peregoy said. "It brings economic boom and it provides employment. So, it's a ripple effect." Read more.


Rail Authority, Amtrak and FRA Look to Raise Funding for Malta Area Improvements


Train derailment brings back talk of passenger rail route in southern Montana