Mountain Line to receive $3 million in federal funds

The new grant funding for public transit is part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill’s broader contributions to public transportation in Montana.

The legislation, which was signed into law by President Joe Biden on Nov. 15, 2021, includes two major provisions that benefit the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority. One element of the bill is language making it possible to conduct a study of restoring service to discontinued Amtrak routes, including the southern Montana route. The second component of the bill that supports restored rail service is a mechanism to implement long-distance passenger rail infrastructure. $12 billion of the bill’s total funding has been earmarked for intercity passenger rail enhancements, and a minimum $2.4 billion of that overall figure is designated to support long-distance passenger rail routes like the North Coast Hiawatha. Read more


Nevada Rail Coalition and its Member Organizations Letter of Support for Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority


Lake County joins Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority as federal study kicks off