Nevada Rail Coalition and its Member Organizations Letter of Support for Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority

On behalf of the Nevada Rail Coalition and its Member Organizations, we support the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority’s efforts to restore inter-city (long-distance) passenger rail service along the former Amtrak North Coast Hiawatha route. The proposed restoration would provide essential transportation connectivity within and between Southern Montana and the rest of the Western United States and beyond.

These efforts are a critical regional step toward building out the entire rail system and infrastructure. Commuting by rail is a critical component of an ecosystem of transportation. We appreciate the necessity to diversify transportation models to reduce the growing tension of growth in population and environmental concerns.

It is also important for resident and nonresident travel to and through the state, as we can attest to here in Nevada. “The purpose of building an expanded, robust rail system in Nevada and neighboring states is the keystone of a low-carbon, environmentally sustainable and socially just transportation system and we know that this holds equally true for Montana and beyond.”

The state of Montana, states along the route, and the entire National Network will benefit from this effort and we are pleased to offer our support and endorsement.


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